The Worst-Reviewed Ride in EVERY Disney World Park, According to TripAdvisor

We all have those rides at Disney World that we just don’t vibe with.

Animal Kingdom

Whether we find them too old, too boring, too in need of a refurb, or too infested with slimy-handed toddlers, we all have our reasons for beelining straight past certain rides without giving them a passing thought other than “get me outta here.” Anyway, we like to do some research on TripAdvisor when it comes to things that don’t seem to be too popular. You know, just for extra validation that our hot takes are actually popular opinions. Yes, we did this with Disney World rides.

Here are the WORST reviewed Disney World rides in each park. This was a little bit tricky, as each of these had 3.5 stars, which is better than average. But still, they had lower reviews than the rest. Let’s go!

Magic Kingdom — Astro Orbiter

In Magic Kingdom, Astro Orbiter was the worst-reviewed ride.

Astro Orbiter

You see, many folks feel like this is just a horrifying space-themed death trap, as you’re (barely) strapped into a rocket-shaped metal capsule that spins you around and around while you’re way up in the air.

Astro Orbiter

Easy Up and Down Ride, like Dumbo.

Next up, let’s head to EPCOT!

EPCOT — Mission: SPACE 

Honestly, we’re surprised a ride that’s known to have barf bags on deck got as many as 3.5 stars. That’s pretty impressive if you ask us!

Mission: SPACE

This ride simulates NASA space launches by putting you in an itty bitty cockpit and “launching” you into the heavens. Fun, right?

Mission: SPACE

Ride to space; experience space travel like an astronaut. Two versions - Green/Earth (mild) and Orange/Mars (intense) 5 minutes +preshow

Now, we’re heading to Disney’s Animal Kingdom!

Disney’s Animal Kingdom — Na’vi River Journey 

Pandora at Animal Kingdom is one of our favorite places at Disney World to visit because of the serene atmosphere.

Shaman Animatronic

TripAdvisor reviews seem to think that things can get a little too serene. Ahem… In other words: boring. Na’vi River Journey boasts LONG waits for a pretty uneventful ride through a dark forest. Oh, but at the end you’ll see a big Shaman with like, a size 16 foot. True stuff.

Na'vi River Journey

Family-friendly boat ride

Last but not least, let’s head over to Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

Disney’s Hollywood Studios — Smuggler’s Run

In Galaxy’s Edge, you’ll find Smuggler’s Run, which will take you inside the Millennium Falcon to complete a mission. Each person is assigned a role, and each role has tasks to complete that will affect what’s happening on the simulation screen in front of you.

Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run

So, in many cases, you could end up in the back of the ship pressing buttons while a kiddo is in the front driving the Millennium Falcon so horribly you think you might see your Blue Milk for a second time.

Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run

Pilot the fastest ship in the galaxy, steering the vessel through space, firing the laser cannons, or preparing for hyperspace in complete control of the experience

And there you have it, folks. 👏 Those are each of the lowest-rated rides at Disney World. We’ll be sure to keep you updated with more Disney news, so make sure to follow along for more so that you’re always in the loop.

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